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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bed model of Barcelona

Barcelona bed model is ntempat enough sleep at consumers enjoy doing lately. they assume that the model of barcelona bed was considered very elegant in look and is great for not too much nor too little carving carvings. Barcelona bed model attracted many more customers, especially local rather than foreign consumers, because they think the design is not too complicated and many carvings considered very nice and perfect when viewed in terms of looks. if you look carefully, round carving that resembles a snake round is capable of creating art and interior fit and very good. bed model does not rely too much other carving carvings such as the bed canopy model and a model of Ravana who tend to be more of a small carved carving carvings that adorn the base. This model contained only round carving from side to share a single round to the other side so it looks very solid and very harmonious. because it is not too much carving carvings that adorn the edges of the main carving, making this model tends to prefer the neatness and quality of material that is wood used to create your bed barcelona model. look at the photos below ..


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